Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rick Sanchez Versus The 1.93 Million Invisible Teabaggers

Round one. FIGHT!

Sanchez stomps FOX News for claiming that nobody else bothered to cover last weekend's Teabaggerstock. Sanchez straight up calls them liars.
When Fox News ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post — as well as in two newspapers owned by Fox’s parent company — claiming that it had been the only network to cover the 9.12 tea party rally in Washington, DC, it was more than one CNN anchor was willing to take.

“I usually don’t suffer fools gladly,” CNN’s Rick Sanchez began. “Especially when it comes to the fools who perpetuate falsehoods. Well, today thousands of you flipped through the pages of the Washington Post, only to come up a lie so bold and so upsetting that frankly I’m just not going to sit here in silence and allow my craft or my news operation to be unfairly maligned.”

Over a large photo of the rally, the ad asks, “How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?”

“Enough is enough,” Sanchez went on, sounding as though he had been taking lessons in righteous indignation from Keith Olbermann. “And yes, I’m talking to you, Fox News. You, who claim to be fair and balanced. At what, I wonder? … They are saying we did not cover this story. They are using a lie to try and divide people into camps. … That’s an offense to myself and my colleagues, who risked their lives in Iran and Afghanistan and around the world to bring the news.”

I wonder how long Rick's got before he gets Froomkined?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how long Rick's got before he gets Froomkined?

    yeah, really. that speaking truth and reality sh*t can be hazardous to one's professional health.
