Friday, October 23, 2009

Future Shock At Present

I don't normally give much credence to Rasmussen polls, but because this one's all about Republican primary voters surveyed, and if the results are anywhere close to reality (even if it's off by 20 points or so) your average Republican incumbent is in ridiculous amounts of trouble.
Just 15% of Republicans who plan to vote in 2012 state primaries say the party’s representatives in Congress have done a good job of representing Republican values.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 73% think Republicans in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters from throughout the nation. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
These numbers are basically unchanged from a survey in late April.

In other words, despite the rise of the Teabaggers on the right (or maybe because of it) the current crop of Republican incumbents are very, very vulnerable to being replaced in primaries. Those replacements will be much further to the right than their current occupants, too.

If you're a Republican strategist trying to game out gains in 2010, you have a real case of heartburn right now. You know that the key for the GOP's growth in the 21st century is attracting Latinos and women, and the Teabaggers have no intention of seeing these groups as anything other than needing complete subjugation.

Pundits keep talking about the GOP's chances of taking over the House in 2010. The answer to that is who they have running, and from this poll, the primaries will be won by hardcore Wingers like Bachmanniac and company.

Somehow I don't see them attracting a lot of voters...and I see them mobilizing the Democrats in order to stop them.

1 comment:

  1. Zander,come on man.Politico,drudge lite?Mark Allen a failed white house reporter who pumped out bush lies in the past.You better than that.Like Valerie Jarrett said on morning joke this morning"Allen dont know how to count votes"Redumblicans are masters of mis information and outright lies.Dont believe the hype.
