Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Iran Out Of Time

And so it begins.
A majority of Americans are skeptical that diplomacy with Iran will succeed and say the U.S. should use military action if necessary to prevent the Iranian government from developing a nuclear weapon.

A Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey released today found 61 percent of Americans would support a military strike. Twenty-four percent said it is more important to avoid conflict even if that means Iran will end up building nuclear arms.

The survey by the Washington-based group found 63 percent support direct U.S. negotiations with Iran to push the country to abandon its nuclear program. Still, 64 percent said such efforts won’t succeed. The poll was conducted last week, when Iran held talks with the U.S. and other United Nations powers and agreed to widen discussions on the nuclear dispute.

We truly have learned nothing from the last eight years. Not a damn, single thing. It's 2002 all over again.

1 comment:

  1. ... I don't know. Something about this puts me off. I have trouble thinking that so many people approve of military strikes on Iran. ESPECIALLY after we're getting fucked over in Iraq and Afghanistan.
