Friday, October 23, 2009

The Moosewoman Of The Purgepocalypse

And lo, the Pale Rider on a Moose came to Upstate New York and saw that Dede Scozzafava was not conservative enough, and passed judgment upon her.
Calling it a matter of principle, Palin - the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate - bucked her party and enthusiastically endorsed Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman over Republican Dede Scozzafava. The race has attracted national attention, especially from grassroots activists who accuse Scozzafava of not being conservative enough to run under the Republican party mantle.

"Doug Hoffman stands for the principles that all Republicans should share: smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, and a commitment to individual liberty," the former Alaska governor wrote on her Facebook page. "Political parties must stand for something."

Palin then urged her supporters to donate to Hoffman, who she said "has not been anointed by any political machine."

Ashes, sackcloth, blood, you know the drill by now. It is rather amusing to see Sarah do the mavericky thing and throw a fellow GOP woman under the bus for not hating women enough, however.

But then again you'll go mad trying to assign logic to the way Republicans work. The Great GOP Purgepocalypse begins in a couple of weeks. GOP luminaries are lining up to take shots at the GOP candidate, saying that the third party guy is the way to go here.

What message does the NY-23 special election send to the rest of the GOP? Becuase the message I'm reading in these brown tea leaves are "The inmates are running the asylum."

Keep splitting that ticket, guys. America will thank you for it later.

1 comment:

  1. But then again you'll go mad trying to assign logic to the way Republicans work.

    Then again, the Democrats aren't making much sense either with regard to the way their establishment is lining up to support Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania instead of taking advantage of this golden opportunity to run him out of the Senate in the Dem primary.
