Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Newt Gingrich: Possibly Not As Dumb As Previously Thought

Newtie there seems to understand what the Great GOP Purgepocalpyse means for the Republican Party, at least.
VAN SUSTEREN: What is it that they have identified as why they think the independent candidate...

GINGRICH: Well, there's no question, on social policy, she's a liberal Republican.

VAN SUSTEREN: On such as abortion?

GINGRICH: On such as abortion, gay marriage, which means that she's about where Rudy Giuliani was when he became mayor. And yet Rudy Giuliani was a great mayor. And so this idea that we're suddenly going to establish litmus tests, and all across the country, we're going to purge the party of anybody who doesn't agree with us 100 percent -- that guarantees Obama's reelection. That guarantees Pelosi is Speaker for life. I mean, I think that is a very destructive model for the Republican Party.
Of course he's right.

And of course, the Wingers believe that this is the only way they can regain power, by rolling back America socially to 1950 and economically to 1920. It's what they want, a Christian dominionist country run by and for Christian dominionists, with women, minorities, gays, non-Christians and everyone else afforded second-class status and then only if they behave themselves.

It's too bad that Newt's plan is to try to convince women, minorities, gays and non-Christians that this is good for them and that they should accept serfdom. but at least he realizes the current Winger approach isn't working either.

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