Monday, November 9, 2009

Mom, Apple Pie, Football and Teabagging

Over at Rumproast, Betty Cracker shares her family's weekend experiences with the Teabaggers at the Bucs game.
At first I thought, well, maybe the Tampa teabaggers are going all rogue with the English language and all, but no—the numbered text is directly from Glenn Beck’s 9-12 project site. Normally I don’t think it’s fair game to make fun of poor grammar. But this is Beck we’re talking about—a multimillionaire! Hire an editor, dickhead.

Then there’s the calendar page at the Tampa teabaggers site, which included this rather wistful observation about yesterday’s membership drive: “People were not as receptive as when we do the corners.”

Oh, but it gets worse. Besides the Teabaggers propositioning her daughter, they commit acts of grammatical terror and...well...this.
The Tampa 9-12 organization has 1,320 members. The population of Tampa is 340,882. What’s that Beck says—“We surround them”? Yeah, like General Custer surrounded the Lakota at Little Bighorn.

But not to worry—in addition to coming after our children, the teabaggers are banding together to indoctrinate their own with this wonderfully named splinter group:


There’s entirely too much FAIL in the “Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots” to unpack now—not least the fact that it comprises women who are able to refer to themselves as “mommy patriots” with a straight face. But I’m considering a black-ops assignment. Stay tuned.

As much funding as these guys have, you would think they would be better at this whole army of people overthrowing the tyranny of having a non-Republican President thing. Alas, you don't need organizational skills when you can just lie about the numbers repeatedly.

Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots? Who comes up with that junk? What, the Teabaggers expect women to bake cookies, produce children, and make signs comparing Obama to Hitler?

Errm...wait a minute. Come to think of it, that's exactly what they believe women should be doing.

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