Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama's Real War

The President is under assault from the right from not having rolled over immediately and given Gen. McChrystal his troops, and for not committing America to another four years of open-ended conflict in Afghanistan.  "Dithering".  "Weak."  "Obama is voting 'present'."  The Wingers are furious that Obama is even thinking about it.  As far as they are concerned, the debate ended in November 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan.  There's no room for debate, our troops are in harm's way and we keep fighting until we win, forever and ever, amen.

After eight years of a brain-dead, knee-jerk President, they demand the same.  They simply aren't able to comprehend why it would be different.

Betty over at Rumproast argues that they're just not able to handle a President that thinks before he acts in our 24-hour news cycle political world.

I'll go one step further.  I don't think that a number of Winger blowhards are even capable of even parsing anything that's not a sound bite fed to them by the Pretty Hate Machine.  All they can do is yell "Socialism!  Facism!  Dithering!" like trained poodles.

The ones that do parse simply do so by Bush-era rules, and they scratch their heads wondering why the world simply doesn't make any sense to them anymore.

The binary Bush worldview is gone, folks.  We have an adult in the White House now.  Adapt.

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