Thursday, November 5, 2009

Teabaggin' Tailgatin'

TPMDC's Evan McMorris-Santoro drops in on the Tea Party pre-party ahead of today's BachmanniaFest '09.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and the Tea Party Patriots are not expecting a warm reception on Capitol Hill Thursday. In a series of conference calls Wednesday night, representatives of the "thousands" of tea partiers who have promised to heed Bachmann's call to make a "last stand" against Democratic-led health care reform told their members to expect the worst from the members of Congress they plan to lobby.

"The attitude we're facing right now is very hostile," Tea Party Patriot national organizer Jenny Beth Martin said on a conference call for regional leaders TPMDC sat in on Wednesday night. "The [members] don't even want to hear from us on these issues."

Martin, Bachmann and's Erick Erickson told regional organizers on the calls that Thursday's rally and storm through the halls of Congress were the tea partiers last chance to stop what Bachmann called the Democrats' plan to "literally have the power of life and death over you."

"There are no other rabbits to pull out of the hat," Bachmann said. "This is the only thing I can think to do."

Bachmann is the woman behind Thursday's events on Capitol Hill which -- according to the numbers promised by regional organizers on the calls -- will bring more than 1,000 protesters face-to-face with the members of congress nearing floor votes on a pair of health care reform packages.

My question of course is "Where's the other 1,999,000 of them?" I was promised a revolution, that would have lawmakers streaming out into the streets of D.C. begging forgiveness at the hands of Shelly's shock troopers for daring to give people affordable health care instead of the American way of letting the insurance companies decide who lives and who dies for profit like George Washington intended.

You can't do that with a thousand people. Sheesh. It's almost like people think she's a nutbar or something.

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