Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Week In Red Dawn Action

Because in the end for the Wingers it always comes back to better democracy through applied ammunition.
One may even begin to speculate on whether we owe them civility for their transgressions, which amount to a fundamental betrayal of oursocial contract as Americans.

Unlike other nations and states in times both past and present, we have the possibility of correcting our mistakes and removing the disloyal via the ballot instead of the barrel of a gun.

Let us hope that our elected officials recognize, however, that our patience is not finite, nor our obligation to bear their indecent assault on our liberties unlimited.

Do what we say, lest we be forced to shoot the people we do not agree with politically. It's always the gun here. WOLVEREEEEEEEENS!

Either this guy's a fool if he's kidding or if he's serious, an unhinged threat advocating violence. Take your pick.

1 comment:

  1. “I was at the tea party, but see, I don’t, this is a bit too slow of a process for me. I’m more on violent side. I’m more of a Civil War, revolutionary. And I’m from the old school, you kick them in the ass and be done with it. You don’t sit there and talk.”


