Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome To The Big Time, Bob

Virginia's Governor-Elect, Bob McDonnell, is about to learn the difference between being a Republican candidate and being a Republican in office.  Case in point, his first major controversy:  Virginia Muslims are calling on the new Governor to disavow Pat Robertson's virulent remarks on Muslims after the Fort Hood shooting, especially in light of Robertson giving $25,000 to McDonnell's campaign last month.

During the campaign, McDonnell played down his ties to Robertson, whom he has known since he attended the law school Robertson founded in the late 1980s. McDonnell tried during the race to convince Virginians that he was a social conservative who could speak more broadly to issues that cross party lines.

But Robertson's comments last week suggest he might prove to be a continuing political liability for McDonnell as he seeks to turn his bipartisan campaign promises into a governing coalition. Now assembling his administration before his Jan. 16 inauguration, McDonnell is under close scrutiny from Democrats and others to see how he balances his allegiances to the social conservatives who helped elect him with his pledges to spend most of his time in office focused on jobs and the economy.

"McDonnell has tried to suggest he should be judged on his own actions and not on Robertson's comments," said Virginia political analyst Robert D. Holsworth. "But the fact of the matter is he does have a major contributor who has made these comments. My guess is that he will not be able to simply say 'no comment,' himself, forever."
You lie down with dogs and you end up with fleas.  Bob McDonnell is now Governor-Elect of all Virginians, not just the ones his campaign donors approve of.
Welcome to the Hoffman Effect, Bobby.

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