Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Af-Gone-Istan, Part 2

My iPhone AP news app is telling me that Obama will be sending 30,000 troops into Afghanistan over the next six months.

Good luck with your war there, Odubya.  I wash my hands of you on this decision.  30,000 troops will not "win" Afghanistan now any more than it would have six years ago.

I'm praying now that your withdrawal timetable is still in your first term, or you will not have a second.

[UPDATE 1:28 PM] The same iPhone app is now saying that Obama will begin withdrawing troops "well before" the end of the President's first term.


  1. Well, considering the language he has been using ("finish" the job vs "win") I think that he is not advocating the status quo, but positioning the US for eventual withdrawal. When is the question that he should answer tonight if he wants to maintain credibility on the left.

  2. Agreed. Withdrawal timetable, and it needs to be done before January 2013, or he's in real trouble.

  3. Updated the story, now the word is withdrawals *will* begin before 2012.
