Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Epic Wingers Fail At Math Fail

I'd almost pay Nate Silver to teach Wingnuts how to read polls correctly.  Jim "Gateway Pundit" Hoft gleefully declares that Obama now has worse numbers than Bush did when he left office eleven months ago and that the Kenyan Usurper is "more loathed".

Now, what polling outfit would Jimbo there be able to pull that number from?  I'll give you three guesses, and the first five don't count.  Yep, our old ODI friends at Rasmussen had Dubya's "Strong Disapproval" numbers at 43%, while the same question for Rasmussen's "fair and balanced" poll shows Obama at 46% on Tuesday who Strongly Disapprove of the Other in the White House.  This is proof America hates Obama more than Bush to Jim there, and that Obama is the Worst Person on Earth.

Well, before you fire up the pitchforks and chainsaws, note that Bush's Rasmussen number was a whopping -30, still 8 points ahead of Obama's worst day in Rasmussen's deranged Obama landscape, and Obama's average at RCP is still 49.7%  with a +4.8 spread, while Rasmussen has him at negative 10.

When your approval poll is almost a full 15 points off the average, your poll is useless.  Even the more grueling and thorough average finds Obama at 48.0% to 46.7%, a slight positive spread where Rasmussen is off the charts.

The ODI for Tuesday would then be a massive -23.3%, a number so far off the scope of reality as to prove Rasmussen's numbers useless.  Naturally, the Wingers are grasping at generalized pictures of straws miles out of reach to prove their Obama Derangement Syndrome issues...but that's why they EPIC FAIL time and time again.

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