Monday, December 21, 2009

Last Call

FDL's Jon Walker has 35 ways to fix the "Bad Senate Bill", which is infinitely more productive and infinitely less of a complete waste of time than FDL's Jane Hamsher and her 10 reasons to kill the "Bad Senate Bill."

Reasons why are self-evident.

Oh, and here's Nate Silver and Darcy Burner on Tweety's show, speaking of people who have ways to fix the bill (Nate) versus people who want to kill the bill (Darcy) and the Village Idiots (Tweety, of course) who can't tell the difference.


  1. I couldn't get past the first two ways to fix the bill: "Add a robust public option open to all Americans" and
    "Remove the rollback of a woman’s right to choose." In the current political environment, that's more like "Ponies we'd really like to get."

  2. Well, the digit "one" is infinitely more than "zero" too.

    The rest of Walker's stuff is just as silly, but at least it's an effort to improve the bill, which is better than what Hamsher has.
