Friday, December 4, 2009

More Helpful Hints For Racist Jagoffs

Dear Jagoff Mayor From Tennessee:

Stop using Facebook for your racist tirades.  Other people can see them, and then they know you said it.  Even if your Facebook account is private, your friends are still going to rat you out to the press if you are an elected official.

Also, the guy's name is Wiseman.  Irony.



(More advice and a rant after the jump...)

According to the Commercial Appeal, Wiseman's extensive Facebook post went on to continue attacking the president, his supporters, and Muslims.
" obama people need to move to a muslim country...oh wait, that's know, our forefathers had it written in the original Constitution that ONLY property owners could vote, if that has stayed in there, things would be different..."
Although Wiseman's Facebook account is not public, the inflammatory statements were seen by his 1,600 Facebook "friends." When asked by the Commercial Appeal to comment, Wiseman declined, saying, "It's ridiculous for someone to send my Facebook post."
You guys are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
No, we're trying to make an asshole out of an asshole. Have a nice day dealing with the press blitz and with the voters (who I'm sure are going to be really happy with they way you're representing your city to America.)

Asshole.  No, seriously.  I'm getting sick and tired of elected officials in particular spewing out the same racist twaddle you find coming from hate groups and talk radio and crazy Teabagger rallies.  I can understand the tinfoil hats and the professional hatemongers saying this publicly.  But elected officials?  There's a line that needs to be drawn there.

Luckily, elected officials who see fit to speak in this manner can be un-elected.  Peacefully.


  1. I wonder if we could get him out in support for slavery. "If them darkies knew their place, things would be so much better."

    You just KNOW that this fucker would be so happy to revoke the vote for anyone but an Old White Fucker.

  2. It's hard being the post-racial President with all these racist assholes ruining it for everyone. I mean c'mon, if you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound. Drop the n-bomb a couple of times. mention various animals and African tribal stereotypes. Make your racist ignorance mean something.

  3. Actually, I'm waiting for that. It'll probably never happen, but I really want them to just dump the dogwhistles and get out and proud about how they think the only true American is rich, has a mighty penis, and no melanin... problems.

    In a way, I'm hoping it'll piss people off enough to think "fuck it" and ventilate the "post-racial" racist's brain, but that's a worst case scenario, so...
