Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Opposite Joe

So, there's a new plan on the table.  It's a grand compromise.  It's a breakthrough.

And naturally,  Joe F'ckin Lieberman hates it.
"My opposition to a government-run insurance option, including any option with a trigger, has been clear for months and remains my position today," Lieberman says.
That's crucial because, as I reported last night, a (admittedly very stiff) trigger is part of the bargain liberal and centrist health care agreed upon last night. We'll try to pin down whether the announcement, or details, of the deal make Lieberman any less likely to filibuster the health care bill.

"Regarding the 'Medicare buy-in' proposal that is being discussed, we must remain vigilant about protecting and extending the solvency of the program, which is now in a perilous financial condition," Lieberman said. Back in 2000, Lieberman ran for Vice President on a platform of allowing people under 65 to buy into Medicare.

"It is my understanding that at this point there is no legislative language so I look forward to analyzing the details of the plan and reviewing analysis from the Congressional Budget Office and the Office of the Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid," Lieberman said.
Getting really sick of this man.  Really sick.

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders and Howard Dean are all for this.

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