Monday, December 14, 2009

The Resource Wars Scenario

Digby discusses the real problem with global warming over the next few decades:
It's not about the planet, which is quite able to deal with climate change. It's about the humans that live on the planet. The problems caused by climate change will cause huge dislocations of populations.

If they've ever thought about it, which is doubtful, Palin and her buddies would probably find that stimulating. She and her bloodthirsty brethren would love to have an excuse to "protect what's theirs" in the event of massive shifts in population. (After all, Palin couldn't even stand to live in Hawaii because of all those icky minorities.) But regardless of GI Joe and Jane seige fantasies, the fact is that climate change is going to affect large numbers of people in a fairly short period of time. And those people are going to move somewhere and cause dislocations and wrenching social change all across the planet. It's not just about driving a Chevy Tahoe or the price of gasoline. It's about starvation, migration and war.
Oh you're damn right, Digby.  And frankly, the Wingers plan to win that war, just like Iraq and Afghanistan.  Get the oil first, then the water, then the arable land...and shoot anybody who comes over from the border to try to get them.  There are finite resources on the Earth, period.  The more competition for those resources, the nastier things will get.  The Pentagon keeps gaming out these resource war scenarios because it damn well believes in global warming and the chaos it will cause.

The neo-cons know it's coming too, but the first law of economics in a market is scarcity of supply and increase in demand means you can charge more.  They're counting on selling everything to us to keep us safe.  There's a reason big companies want to privatize your water supply, your emergency services, your police force, your infrastructure in addition to your food and energy.  They know that's where the money's going to be in the 21st century.

Hell, they're not trying to stop global warming.  They want it to come as fast as they can so they can take over.  Naomi Klein was rightDisaster Capitalism is the business model of the present and the future.

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