Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Something Is Rotten In The State Of Blogmark

OK, when Colonel Mustard is backing Jane Hamsher on his blog, there's something amiss.
This is a case of the Left understanding -- for its own reasons -- why the Senate bill is a monstrosity. As I mentioned the other day, at least the left-wing has some principles, even if I disagree with those principles. The right-wing and vast center-right have principles, with which I agree.

The only people without principles are the Democrats in the Congress who are cutting backroom deals in an unseemly, secretive process in which legislators have been legally bribed for their votes with our money.
Really, this is some quality concern-trolling we're seeing here.  I understand why Jane says this bill has to die.  I don't agree with her, but I respect her sticking with her guns.  Colonel Mustard here on the other hand is completely using Jane's good points to reinforce his bad ones...because if this bill actually did all that Jane wanted it to, Mustard would be throwing a fit.

Hell, I wish the bill had everything Jane was demanding.  Mustard seems to think this is the Winger equivalent of LGF going lefty on us.  I hate to disappoint him, but...

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