Tuesday, December 15, 2009

StupidiNews Focus

Two StupidiNews stories to follow today with additional developments, first, bad news on the Bush e-mails:
The emails will be turned over to the National Archives, where they'll be treated, initially at least, as presidential records, Anne Weismann, a senior lawyer for CREW, one of the groups that had sued over the emails, explained to TPMmuckraker. That means that, under the Presidential Records Act, they won't be made public for five years. At that time, President Bush can choose to keep them secret for another seven years. Given the former president's record on issues of openness and transparency, it's a good bet he'll opt to do so. At the end of that period, they'll be made available to the public.

However, some of the emails may soon be designated federal, rather than presidential, records. That would mean, said Weismann, that they'd likely be made public in about three years, after the National Archives has processed them and prepared them for release.
Nice.  So we'll be able to see what went on in the Bush White house in 2012, 2022, or never.  However, there's better news on the Illinois Gitmo front:
On Tuesday, the administration will announce that the president has directed that the federal government proceed with the acquisition of the Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Illinois to house federal inmates and a limited number of detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Closing the detention center at Guantanamo is essential to protecting our national security and helping our troops by removing a deadly recruiting tool from the hands of al Qaeda. Tuesday's announcement is an important step forward as we work to achieve our national security objectives.
Republicans probably will be urinating themselves in public today and screaming how we've doomed Illinois to having planes crashed into it while jihadi ninja disembowel Rockford and Joliet with box cutters, but they also may be a bit too busy trying to figure out how not to kill the all but neutered Libermanated health care bill while saying they tried their damnedest to kill it.

We'll see where this all goes.

1 comment:

  1. personally i would not mind seeing chicago / cook county take a couple of shots to the shorts - that city / county is just an open running sewer of crime and corruption.
