Thursday, December 17, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Remember, your alternative to Obama was McCain/Palin.  Ten for you then:
  1. Do you think they would have done a better job with health care reform?
  2. Do you think there would have been a bill at all?
  3. Do you think there would have been any stimulus bill? 
  4. Do you think we would be getting out of Afghanistan any sooner?  
  5. Do you think there would be any fewer bailouts of the banks?  
  6. Do you think the DoJ would be doing a better job on torture and trying KSM in NYC?  
  7. Do you think they would be moving terrorists in legal limbo out of Gitmo?
  8. Do you think McCain would sign a jobs bill and unemployment extensions in an even worse economy?
  9. Do you think McCain wouldn't have followed through on his spending freeze?
  10. Do you think America would even be at Copenhagen right now?
Your alternatives to the Dems in 2010 are still teabagging, anti-science, anti-thought, anti-government, anti-labor, anti-choice, anti-peace, anti-Earth assholes who want to bomb, pollute, and corrupt the entire planet in the name of the 'Murican way.  They will be your alternative in 2012 as well, and 2014, and 2016 and on and on.

Be mad at Obama.  Hell, I am.  But don't give the assholes the keys to the kingdom in your anger.


  1. As a contrary view -- which I don't fully embrace but I think is worth presenting -- what you're recommending is continuing to enable the wimp-think that infests the Democrats in Washington. If these people keep giving away the store and licking Joe F'ing Lieberman's ass and we keep rewarding them for it by re-electing them, how are they ever going to learn?

  2. You're right. There's a fine line between rewarding progressives and jettisoning Blue Dogs who make super-majorities possible.

  3. The choice isn't between Obama and McCain.

    The choice is between an Obama who gets a pass from liberals to keep sucking corporate cock, and an Obama under constant pressure from liberals to get liberal legislation done.

    How he campaigned, what he said, what he really meant, what he really believes - all of that is irrelevant.

    All that matters is What. We. Make. Him. Do.

  4. I agree, we need more pressure on Obama.

    Smart pressure, applied intelligently. Not self-destructively (witness the teabaggers.)
