Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

Bob Cesca documents the atrocities:
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney U.S. Air Force (Retired) thinks that we should strip search all 18-28 year old Muslim males at the airport.
And no he's not kidding. This was a three-star general in our armed forces who must have served with and commanded both Muslims and African-Americans at some point in his career, and he's saying "strip search all of them."  As Bob says, how do you know if they're Muslim?  You don' that means strip searching anyone who could be a Muslim.

Think about that for a while.  Anyone who could be a Muslim.  Can you assume by looking? have to strip search everyone, frankly.  And why stop at airports?  Why not office buildings, stadiums, schools, malls?  Why not especially churches and synagogues?  If the possibility of killing 300 Americans is enough to make us consider throwing away the Bill of Rights, then we need to apply that to any place where 300 or more Americans can gather, correct?  Aren't these "soft targets"?  Why limit that to 300?  Is killing 299 Americans just as bad?  How many lives are worth strip searching Americans who might be suicide bombers?

You have to follow this logic all the way once you go down this path.  It's called a slippery slope for a reason.

Bob's even more salient point:
It goes without saying that the #tcot and teabagger crowds -- the Glenn Beck disciples who have been complaining all year about how the Obama administration is "attacking the Constitution" are all in favor of this kind of profiling. Suddenly they're not so interested in the Constitution. Cowards.
And it's true.  These assholes throw away the Constitution the millisecond it can be used to protect The Dreaded Enemy.

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