Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Kroog Versus FOX's Roger Ailes

And Paul Krugman jacks the mutha up.  Via Media Matters:

Krugman:  "On this health care thing, I am a little obsessed with it because it's a key issue for me, people did not know what was in the plan and some of that was just poor reporting, some of that was deliberate misinformation...I have here in front of when President Obama said, he says rhetorically "Why aren't we going to have a health care plan like the Europeans have" a government-run program and then proceeded to explain why it was different, on FOX News what appeared was a clipped quote (looks at Ailes) "Why do we have a European-style health care plan?"  Right?  Deliberate misinformation."  All this contributed to a situation where the public did...
Ailes:  Wait wait wait wait...

Krugman: I can show you the clip on Youtube if you want to see it.

Ailes:  ...The people are not stupid.

Krugman:  No, they're ill-informed.

Ailes: In the Constitution, the Founding Fathers didn't need 2000 pages of lawyers to hide things...

Krugman: Oh come on.  Legislation is always long.

Ailes:  ...Then tell people, then tell people it's an emergency that we get it, but it won't go into effect for three years.  So you don't have time to read it...

Krugman: Again, deliberate misinformation.  It is...actually it is a Republican plan.  It was Mitt Romney's health care plan, people were led to believe it was Socialism.  And that was deliberate.  That wasn't just poor reporting.
And this is with FOX News head Roger Ailes sitting directly next to him. It's about time somebody told this douchebag to his face that his entire network is there to lie to the American people and do it on purpose.

Good for him.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think he was encouraged by Obama's confrontation with the GOP? I think Krugman would have done this regardless, but it helps to have high profile push back directly in their faces... even as the really sicking parts of the Village say (in the very clip you have here) "both sides... both sides.."

    Everything is shown with false equivalency, and the media is so concerned with how it appears it has completely abdicated its ability to tell truth to power.

