Friday, January 15, 2010

Rushing Over A Bridge Too Far

The oldest axiom in the book on Wingnuts like Limbaugh and Beck is that "there's basically nothing they can say that goes too far."  Steve Benen goes over this on El Rushbo's truly hideous commentary on Haiti.
I wonder the same thing, but it simply never happens. On the other side of the ideological divide, when a Democratic lawmaker works with or appears at Netroots Nation, there's ample criticism from the right about Dems associating with "liberal extremists."

And yet, no matter how loathsome a figure Limbaugh becomes, top Republican officials not only reach out to the right-wing talk-show host, but effectively treat him as the de facto head of their political party. Indeed, in the rare instances in which a Republican actually offers subtle disapproval of Limbaugh, they invariably apologize to him and kiss his proverbial ring.

The GOP effectively lets Rush Limbaugh call the shots, and when he says disgusting things, Republicans don't dare disagree with their boss.
But I'm going to argue that this might finally be a bridge too far for Republicans.  Witness the Village pillaging of El Rushbo on Morning Joe Thursday:
This morning, the MSNBC Morning Joe crew took their turns ripping Limbaugh:
– Chuck Todd: “Rush Limbaugh I think lives in South Florida. … Very large Haitian community in South Florida. You would assume he’d have a little more compassion about all of this.
– Joe Scarborough: “The insensitivity is stunning, the words are deplorable. … [It's] indefensible.”
– Pat Buchanan: “They’re deeply insensitive, no doubt about it. I think the President of the U.S. speaks for the country when he stands up there. … I think Rush’s comments were cynical.”
John Harwood then decided to falsely equate Limbaugh’s “mean-spiritedness” with criticism from those on the left. “It’s not just on the right, it’s on the left as well,” Harwood said. Scarborough enthusiastically agreed: “Hate from the left, hate from the right."
Now, losing Chuck Todd and Joe Scarborough is one thing.  But if Pat Buchanan thinks you're an insensitive asshole, you've lost the game, kids.

Honestly.  If Democrats were even remotely intelligent, they would say "Hey, Scott Brown, as a potential U.S. Senator, what do you think about Rush Limbaugh's comments on the President and Haiti?"  He then doubled down on his comments yesterday afternoon:
RUSH: No, I’m not evading it at all. If I said it I meant to say it, and I do believe that everything is political to this president. Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion. [...
CALLER: [A]re you implying that the Huffington Post as the one and only resource that I [read]? I even watch Fox News once in a while.
RUSH: No, no, no, no, no. I’m not implying that. … What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a blockhead. What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a closed-minded bigot who is ill-informed. … And if you had listened to this program for a modicum of time you would know it. But instead you’re a blockhead. You’re mind is totally closed. You have tampons in your ears. Nothing is getting through other than the biased crap that you read.
Really.  Somebody ask Scott Brown if he thinks that.  Hell, ask any Republican that.  Go on.  Please.  I want to see Republicans defending Rush Limbaugh's comments.  Really.  I do.

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