Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bayh Blackbird

I won't have Evan F'ckin Bayh to kick around anymore on this blog.  He's not running for re-election.
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this year, a decision that hands Republicans a prime pickup opportunity in the middle of the country.

"After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned," Bayh will say.

Bayh will announce the decision at a press conference later today. He was first elected to the Senate in 1998 and was re-elected easily in 2004. National Republicans had recruited former Sen. Dan Coats to challenge Bayh in 2010 although polling suggested Bayh began the race with a 20-point edge. He also had $13 million in the bank at the end of the year.
Best part?  Indiana Democrats now have until tomorrow to come up with a candidate to run against Dan Coats or the GOP will get the seat uncontested.  A final up yours to the Dems from Bayh.

Nice.  I won't miss the guy, and now he has the rest of 2010 to tell Obama to go screw himself too.


[UPDATE 11:55 AMSteve Benen:
And for those keeping score, there are now six Republican Senate incumbents who have decided not to seek re-election, and three Senate Dems. Expect the media to characterize this as a mass Democratic exodus.
Assuredly.  Keep an eye on the calls of "Democrats running for the hills" when it's the GOP who has more retirements.

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