Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health Care Summit Thread, Part 2

The best part of this is Tweety, who's done a complete 180 from his position last month that the Dems could never even try reconciliation. Now he's basically saying that's all they have left. GOP will never play ball, even on their own proposals.

2:03 Obama gets class back in order.  Damn kids.  Biden!  Go!

2:06 Biden makes jokes about not doing anything, passes to GOP Rep Mike Enzi.

2:09 Mike Enzi likes exchanges too.  Talks about qualified and unqualified plans.  Of course, all the plans Enzi wants to add would be unqualified, making exchanges moot.

2:15 Dem Tom Harkin says it's time to end "segregation by health" by passing comprehensive HCR.  Good argument.  Bad politics.  GOP will jump on that and now feign indignation at the "race card."

2:19 Obama argues that the high risk pool wont work without money in said pools, money the GOP doesn't want to spend.

2:25 Sen Jay Rockefeller of the Dems talks about insurance company "sharks".  No oversight on them past state regulation.

2:30 However, Rockefeller is bluntly shooting down the public option, period.

2:45 Rep Marcia Blackburn keeps talking about insurance companies crossing state lines.  Obama wiselysets her straight.  Not your strongest speaker, GOP.

2:52 Obama talking about being dragged kicking and screaming into mandates, again, a Republican idea.

2:55 Moving on to the deficit.  Biden!

3:00 Rep Paul Ryan still lying about the cost curve.  "We don't think the government should be in charge."  We think the insurance companies should be in charge.

3:04 Ryan hits at the Obama plan's "smoke and mirrors" spending.

3:06 John McCain would like to reiterate that he's running for President in 2008.

3:08 Paul Ryan and Xavier Becerra now arguing CBO points.  Becerra says "You can't cherry pick".  Nice stroke.

3:12 Oh good, Chuck Grassley.  I wonder which of his own policies he'll argue against, the mandate or trimming Medicare fat?

3:16 And it's the mandate.  I was for it before I was against it...

3:24  Kent Conrad of the Dems up. Mentions chronically ill as a reson why we miiiiight be having a cost containment issue.

3:27 Boehner again.  Warns of bankrupting the country.  Probably shouldn't have started those wars, then.  Doesn't the bill reduce the deficit?

3:29 And now Boehner goes for the abortion attack.  Apparently Bart Stupak couldn't make it.

3:33 Obama looks like a high school teacher in the last period of the day.

3:34 ...and Obama put Boehner in time out.

3:37 Dem Jim Cooper: We have to make change now.  Only took 5 hours for the "fierce urgency of now" argument.

3:44 McCain again.  Talking about Dems trying to "impose 51 votes".  Stop and think about that one for a sec.

3:47 Obama takes Boehner out of time out and goes after him on medical malpractice.

3:50 Dick Durbin hitting clean-up here.  The man is doing well.

3:53 Did I say "well?"  He crushed it out of the park. "If you think this is a socialist health care plan, drop out of the Federal Employee Health Plan."  Quote of the day so far.

3:57 Republicans counter with Sen. John Barrasso, a former physician.  Makes Durbin's point for him that other country's wealthy come the US to buy better health care.

4:00 And Obama sticks it to Barrasso, asking him of all members of Congress should take the kind of catastrophic coverage the Republicans say all Americans should have and a salary of $40k a year to pay for it.  Nice!

4:04 Now Henry Waxman up for the Dems, follows Obama's lead on this.  Asks if Medicare recipients should only have catastrophic coverage.

4:07 Waxman also on fire.  the GOP proposal gives "a break to the healthy".

4:15 Peter Roskam of Illinois is bragging how the Great GOP Plan will cover 3 million people..out of what, 50 million?  Idiot.

4:23 Chris Dodd looks to finish.  Nice points here on the "dream" of HCR.

4:28 Joe Barton closing for the GOP.  Could save 50% if Californians could shop in other states.  Sure, until the rates for those folks go up.

4:35 Check that, Ron Wyden closing for the Dems.  Points out the GOP incremental, piecemeal approach would...surprise!  COST MORE.  Thank you.

4:37 And now Mitchy is quoting polls.  Again.  Just like he has been for the last nine months.

4:41 Obama points out the individual pieces poll better than what Republicans have been saying was actually in the package.

4:47  Tom Coburn, Charlie Rangel, Patty Murray all talking because we have to be fair.

5:03 Pelosi again, Dingell, and finally Obama getting the last word.  Dingell makes a great point:  What's wrong with deciding by majority vote?

But Obama finishes us off with his closing remarks.

...and calls out the state line nonsense once and for all.  Yes South Dakota, he's talking to you.  We've done the interstate trade before with credit cards.  They all ended up in Bismarck.  They had the nicest rules for the credit card companies.  Insurance companies want to do the same.

I'm done here.


  1. 2:20ish: Obama lies about his policy and then compares the lie to the House bill, more at 11!

  2. Good for Rockefeller, kill the public option.

    Interesting read:

    Note not only did he come to the US for treatment he also stated

    "I would've been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list. ... I accept that. That's public life," he said.

    Wait list? I'm not familiar with such a beast as I'M AN AMERICAN and if Obama did have his way we would be headed towards a similar system.

    "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
    Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003.

    The system may not be perfect, but in comparison it's leaps and bounds better.

  3. "The system may not be perfect, but in comparison it's leaps and bounds better."

    If by "in comparison" you mean what you personally may have experienced in your own sheltered little life, perhaps.

    But almost every objective study shows that industrialized countries with public healthcare have better stats and outcomes than the American system.

  4. Really? They have such better stats? Wonder why that is...hmm...

    The WHO does rank the U.S. No. 1 of 191 countries for responsiveness to the needs and choices of the individual patient.

    That also means no waiting lines, but those other nations are so much better.

    So no in comparison is just that, in comparison to other countries it is better.

    Maybe Ronnie was on to something

    "Now back in 1927 an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism the American people will adopt every fragment of the socialist program. One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it." --Ronald Reagan on health care in 1961

    USA! USA!


  5. Responsiveness to needs and choices of patients? That's the stat you choose?

    Hmmm, using WHO stats incorporating preventable death by country, healthy life expectancy by country, health performance rank by country, and total health expenditure as % of GDP... the US ranks 37th, just after Costa Rica.

  6. Obviously you cannot take a hint to read, so I will post this again

    So again, deaths not caused by the health care system effect that number, so we will go back to the stat that matters, one that at least involves the health care system.

    You're wrong, but it's ok, you don't make important decisions anyway.

  7. Also Cancer survival varies widely across the developed world and within the United States. However, in almost every category Americans survive cancer at higher rates than patients in other developed countries.

    Have a nice day!

  8. Yeah Dick Durbin did a great job...."Well 5.4billion a year that I had calculated would be saved via medical malpractice, thats not a lot"

    No 5.4 billion...not a lot at all..

    What an idiot...

  9. 4:07 Waxman also on fire. the GOP proposal gives "a break to the healthy".

    So if I'm a 20 year old healthy man I should have to pay as much for health insurance as a 65 year old chain smoking cancer patient for health care? Sorry it sounds nice to say yes and we all come together and live in peace and harmony, but we have to live in the real world where that is not right.

  10. 4:07 Waxman also on fire. the GOP proposal gives "a break to the healthy".

    So if I'm a 20 year old healthy man I should have to pay as much for health insurance as a 65 year old chain smoking cancer patient for health care? Sorry it sounds nice to say yes and we all come together and live in peace and harmony, but we have to live in the real world where that is not right.

  11. If you believe 50 million Americans are uninsured I've got a time machine to sell you.

  12. Looks like you earned your own batch of trolls here Zandar, congrats!

  13. Pretty sure it's the same guy.

    Must be working overtime, this one.

    They'll blow themselves out here eventually.
