Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How The Hell Does That Work?

My problem with Sarah Palin is not that she is a woman, or a mother, or from Alaska, or even that she's a Republican or even that she's a conservative pro-life Republican.

My problem with Sarah Palin is that she is blindingly, willfully ignorant.
Citing a column by Pat Buchanan that clearly argues against conflict with Iran, Sarah Palin on Sunday suggested that a war with Iran would be good policy and a boon for President Obama's 2012 reelection hopes.

Buchanan's column, "Will Obama Play The War Card?" was a rebuttal of Daniel Pipes call last week for Obama to bomb Iran to save his presidency. "Will Obama cynically yield to temptation, play the war card and make 'conservatives swoon,' in Pipes' phrase, to save himself and his party?" Buchanan writes.

Buchanan, a longtime anti-interventionist, comes out against more sanctions, arguing that "the families of the sick, the old, the weak, the women and the children who die are unlikely to feel gratitude toward those who killed them." He says the prospects of Iran developing a nuclear bomb are much overstated.

But during an interview with Fox's Chris Wallace in which she cited the Buchanan column, Palin spoke approvingly of the "bomb Iran" idea.
She didn't even read the column that she cites as a reason to support her argument.   If she did read it, she did not understand it.
PALIN: It depends on a few things. Say he played, and I got this from Buchanan, reading one of his columns the other day. Say he played the war card. Say he decided to declare war on Iran, or decided to really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do. But that changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years. Because I think if the election were today, I do not think Obama would be re-elected.
She is terribly ignorant.  If you're going to cite Pat Buchanan as a positive reference you have a problem.  If you're going to cite Pat Buchanan as a reference and then completely misconstrue what he said, then you have a problem and you're ignorant.

God help us all.

1 comment:

  1. Willful ignorance is her raison d'etre. And the people she is "speaking" to are the same if not worse. Her followers would agree with her summary of Buchannon's op-ed. Anti-intellectualism is the basis for her entire platform; some people have a bizarre attraction to leaders like this. It's the, "I would like to have a beer with him/her." attitude. Very scary.
