Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Last Call

Maybe Obama does get the GOP Plan.(emphasis mine:)
At the private White House meeting today between Obama and Congressional leaders, the President and John Boehner got into a testy exchange, aides say, with Obama charging that the GOP is just out to kill all his initiatives.

According to aides familiar with the discussion, Boehner made the case that long-term concern over Dem policies — health care, cap and trade — was leading to uncertainty in the private sector, damaging job creation efforts. Boehner said the only way to get the economy moving again is to put these issues behind us.

That apparently irked the President, aides say, who accused Boehner of just wanting to kill all his initiatives. Boehner shot back that this was false, that Republicans are serious about bipartisan cooperation.

That prompted the President to push back again, aides say, arguing that the White House isn’t getting enough credit for the part of the stimulus that boosts federal funding for state Medicaid programs, arguing it has had a positive effect on the economy.
Seems Obama and Orange Julius have had enough of each other.  Did anyone laugh I wonder when OJ said Republicans were serious about bipartisan cooperation?  The American people beg to differ, sirA healthy majority say the GOP has failed at bipartisan cooperation.

Obama's starting to get through.

1 comment:

  1. Boener = Orange Julius... still really laughing hard... Thanks!

    First time caller - love your blog. Excellent fresh news drizzled with the right amount of snark. Oh, and got you from Skippy.

