Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mixed Messages

Obama has a hell of a rough job, but the fact of the matter is Greg Sargent is right when he says the Dems have no coherent strategy on national security.
The GOP has a very specific strategy in place. Republicans are intent on making national security a major issue in 2010. Their plan: Drive a wedge between the White House and Congressional Dems by relentlessly attacking Obama’s policies for making us less safe.

The GOP goal: To get House and Senate Dems to break with the White House on closing Guantanamo, the Mirandizing of the Christmas bomb plotter, the plan to try terror suspects in civilian courts, and other issues.

The Republican leadership even sent House GOPers back to their districts this week with a very specific set of talking points, sent over by a source, telling them precisely what to say to constituents about those specific issues.

There’s no sign whatsoever that Congressional Dems were given anything similar, or even that Dem leaders have spent any time developing a strategy of their own. Are you hearing any concerted pushback, or any message at all, on these issues from Dems?

The result: Republicans are framing the debate on these issues, and more and more Congressional Dems are breaking with the White House on them. In other words, the Dems are following the GOP script.
Worse, this is happening even as the White House is, in fact, mounting a major effort to engage the GOP on these issues. Obama counter-terror chief John Brennan and Joe Biden have aggressively engaged Dick Cheney and other Republicans in recent days, arguing that Obama’s counter-terror policies are succeeding and are superior to GOP policies.
This all goes back to "your messaging sucks, guys" and all THAT goes back to the fact that Obama is caught defending Bush's national security policy on terrorism.  There's no Dem strategy on the national security fight because the Dems have been using the GOP Bush/Cheney playbook since day one.

You're losing this fight because there's nothing really differentiating Obama from Bush on this particular issue, unlike health care or financial reform.

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