Saturday, February 27, 2010

Some Much-Needed Perspective

Unemployment up to 10.8%.  Presidential approval rating down to 35%.

Obama in November 2010?  Maybe.  But that's what Ronald Reagan was facing in November, 1982 during his first mid-term election.  Reagan of course went on to totally lose in 1984 to that Dukakis guy, right?

And yet Obama is supposedly the worst President we've ever had. Would Reagan have survived the age of FOX News?


Just sayin.


  1. I think you are wrong.Even with out fox the media has always gave the benefit of the doubt to republican Presidents.Dont forget Ronnie Raygun on his watch in 82 241 Marines were killed and his response was to invade Grenada.President Carter inherited a recession,a lost war in Vietnam and a energy crisis and was vilified by the MSM of that day.I know the right likes to cry about a liberal media but the media has always been conservative.You can go back to FDR and even to President McKinley.The conservative nature of our media throughout history would be something great to talk about and their are a lot smarter people than myself that can educate all of us.Oh is a link talking about today's media.
    Secrets of Talk Radio

  2. That's a good argument, but there's also a lot of evidence that Reagan would have been brutalized as a RINO from day one, too.

  3. Reagan was a great communicator and when he spoke seemed down to earth. Also his anti-government comments let people know he believed in them. He always spoke on a positive note about where the country was going and he seemed believable in his convictions.

    Media always gave benefit to Repub presidents? Spoken like a true liberal.
