Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Steele Playing The Victim After All This Time

Michael Steele is playing the race card as the GOP Cult Of The Professional Victim continues.
Steele acknowledges that at times he has a tendency to take things too far. “And I get checked on that, just as when I was a young boy and I pushed the envelope too far and my Mama was there to check me.”
But there’s an edge to his voice when he talks about a double standard that he believes has been applied by his critics, and he posits racism as the cause: “I don’t see stories about the internal operations of the DNC that I see about this operation. Why? Is it because Michael Steele is the chairman, or is it because a black man is chairman?”
Nice. But I thought Republicans didn't play the victim card?

After all, any criticism of Sarah Palin is automatically misogyny, so why shouldn't Steele play the race card whenever he can?

Those poor Republicans.  When they're not making ridiculous demands, they're whining like children that the mean old Democrats aren't taking them seriously.

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