Thursday, February 18, 2010

Teabaggerstock '10: The Moosening

It's CPAC time again, and the annual We Hate Barack Obama festivities are already underway with Marco Rubio this morning.  Upcoming today is Orange Julius:
"Some excerpts from Minority Leader John Boehner’s speech today at CPAC, provided to First Read: "In the months ahead we’re going to tell the nation exactly what we'd do differently if we're entrusted with power. But it won't be a document handed down from on high by politicians, because something like that would land with a big thud. It's going to be built by listening. Congressman Kevin McCarthy will lead this project on behalf of all House Republicans. We're going to listen to things like the 'Contract FROM America.'. We're going to listen to things like the Mount Vernon statement. We're going to listen to the tea party movement. It will come from those who are really in charge of this country: the American people. While the other side is busy mocking the tea partiers and calling them names, we're going to listen to them, stand with them, and walk among them."
Nice.  The Contract FROM America.  Screw the Republic for which it stands, we're one nation under Mob Rule in 2010.  And The Mob wants blood.

But the conspicuous absence of Moose Lady is the real story.
But sometimes what is most interesting about CPAC, says Grover Norquist, antitax crusader and president of Americans for Tax Reform (who says he’s coming tomorrow “with bells on” and has been to every one since ’78) is who is not coming. Norquist is on the board of directors of the American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC. He says the most glaring hole on the speaking roster belongs to Sarah Palin, who declined to speak at the event. “Palin was paid a lot to go to the other one” says Norquist, referring to the recent Tea Party Convention in Nashville. Her absence this week, he says, is a political sign.

“Is Palin running for president? The answer is no. She could have spoken to 10,000 people, but instead she chose to speak to 600 and get paid $100,000. That’s being a spokesperson and making a living, not running for president.” 
One big dysfunctional family feud, folks.  Oliver Willis is right:  these clowns peaked in January.  It's all downhill from here.

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