Wednesday, February 3, 2010

They Are Just Unlikeable

The one real hope that the Dems have in 2010 is in the end, people really hate the current crop of Republicans.  Take for instance the GOP now going after the military's top brass on DADT.  As BooMan notes:
Steve Benen is right when he points out that the Republicans used to show some deference to military leaders. But now that the military has more progressive views on homosexuality and torture than the Republican's rabid base, it's open season. It's almost odd that individual Republican candidates are doing very well in polls when the party as a whole represents the views of a startlingly small percentage of the electorate.

More Republicans than not think Obama should be impeached. They probably think he should be impeached for enacting TARP even though that took place under Bush. I think the stupidity of the Republican base (77% of them believe public school students should be taught that the book of Genesis in the Bible explains how God created the world) actually makes Republican officeholders act insane. It explains why John McCain won't accept a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell even though all his preconditions for that have been met (including Colin Powell changing his mind). 
And that's not all, there's a major rift developing between the GOP and the Teabaggers on the Citizens United decision too. Zach Roth:
Just hours after the court ruled last month, RNC chair Michael Steele praised the decision, calling it "an important step in the direction of restoring the First Amendment rights" of corporations.
But some Tea Partiers don't agree. Shane Brooks, a Texas-based Tea Party activist, told TPMmuckraker in an email:

This decision basically gives the multinational corporations owned by foreign entities [the right] to pour unlimited funds into the pockets of corrupt corporate backed politicians to attack everything this country stands for. We might as well be able to vote for Disney or the SEIU as President of the United States of America.
In a recent blog post, Kevin Smith of the Nashville Tea Party wrote that the ruling "puts corporations in a position to crowd out smaller competition and buy politicians from the local sheriff to the President himself."
In a statement provided in the wake of the ruling to the Reid Report blog, Dale Robertson, the Houston-based leader of, took the same view:

It just allows them to feed the machine. Corporations are not like people. Corporations exist forever, people don't. Our founding fathers never wanted them; these behemoth organizations that never die, so they can collect an insurmountable amount of profit. It puts the people at a tremendous disadvantage.
Jim Knapp, a Sacramento based Tea Party activist, went even further, telling TPMmuckraker via email: "Most of the anger by Tea Party supporters is directed at the effects of special interest money."
The Democrats need to be hitting the Republicans hard on DADT and Citizens United.  These are winning issues, guys.  They will mobilize the base and depress the Teabaggers.  Ya dig?

Besides, opposing both DADT and Citizens United are the right thing to do.

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