Monday, February 1, 2010

Tweet O' The Day

Now that I'm on Teh Twitter, going to be looking over what comes in and passing it along.  Today's Tweet comes from Big Orange:
Just got back big poll of 2,000 Republicans. Gotta digest it, but 39% of them want Obama impeached.
There's a cheery thought, going back to yesterday's Bob Cesca/Balloon Juice piece on impeachment if Republicans get control of the House.  Steve M. expands on this:
Bob Cesca worries about impeachment efforts from a GOP House, but I find myself baffled by his notion of the best way to prevent such an occurrence: pass the health care bill. Look, I know I'm all alone in the left blogosphere in believing that the bill is so disliked that it can't possibly help Democrats at the polls in the short term (especially with so many provisions taking effect only gradually, and thus subject to ongoing right-wing misrepresentation), but sorry, I just can't buy a health care bill as impeachment insurance. I think it's just the opposite -- I think passing and signing the bill will set off calls for impeachment. Many right-wingers already think the bill is unconstitutional; if it's passed and signed by Obama, that's all the excuse they'll need. Some action to match Obama's recent populist talk is, I think, the best way to fight back against the Republicans; regain the public's trust (and tarnish the Republicans as much as possible), then try circling back to health care.
That's an entirely useful plan and Bob's right on that.  The Teabaggers' list of impeachable crimes Obama has already committed include the stimulus, the bailouts of AIG, the budget, being Kenyan, being born out of wedlock, being black, being a get the idea.

Frankly 39% seems rather low.  If health care reform does pass, I think it'll go over 50% easy.

They impeached Clinton on less.

[UPDATE 7:25 PM] More on the possibility of a GOP House impeaching Obama here from Bob Cesca and Steve Benen and more on Kos's Research 2000 poll results here from TPM:
• 63% think Obama is a socialist.
• Only 42% believe Obama was born in the United States.
• 21% think ACORN stole the 2008 election -- that is, that Obama didn't actually win it, and isn't legitimately the president, with 55% saying they are "not sure." This number is actually significantly lower than it was in a similar question from Public Policy Polling (D) back in November, which said that 52% of Republicans thought ACORN stole it. So does this mean Obama is gaining ground among Republicans? As it is, only just over 20% of Republicans will say that Obama actually won the election.
• 53% think Sarah Palin is more qualified than Obama to be president.
• 23% want to secede from the United States.
• 73% think gay people should not be allowed to teach in public schools. This position puts the GOP base well to the right of none other than Ronald Reagan, who helped defeat the Briggs Initiative, a 1978 referendum in California that would have forbidden gays or people who advocated gay rights from teaching in public schools.
• 31% want contraception to be outlawed.
These people are insane...insane enough to impeach Obama.  Don't think so?  Did the Republicans pay a price in 2000 after they tried to impeach Clinton?

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