Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Zandar Is Still Annoyed With Politico

People have asked me when I'm changing the site name back and getting off's case.

It's gonna be a while, people.  Jameson Foser:
Politico's John Harris has a weird navel-gazing article about Jonathan Allen's return to journalism -- and Politico -- after a brief stint working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Actually, it's about Politico struggling to decide whether it should take Allen back -- not because of doubts about his skills as a journalist, but because they feared a month working for a politician would irrevocably taint him.
OK, that I can understand.  There's enough Village hackery and revolving door garbage going on in the media, so if Politico really was taking a stand against that, that would be one thing.  But here's the problem:
Huh. Seems like a good time for Harris to mention that Politico reporter Jonathan Martin previously worked for a Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate, two Republican congressional campaigns, and a Republican congressman, for whom he worked for more than three years.

But Harris never mentioned Martin.  Weird.
Yeah, funny how that works.  So yes, still giving Politico a hard time.

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