Monday, March 22, 2010

Barry And Nancy Rule

Obama got it done, but it was Nancy Pelosi who deserves just as much credit.

Just 15 months into Obama's term, they passed comprehensive health care legislation.  The Village pundits who said it was dead, the Republicans who said they ran Washington after Scott Brown's election, the Wingers who warned he was irrelevant, and the firebaggers who said he will fail like all the rest?  All of them wrong.

Now the battle moves to the Senate, where the Senate will work to pass the reconciliation bill the House passed last night.  The are confident they have the votes there, but the battle, even after the Senate, is far from over.

Now the long road to improve HCR truly begins.  But Obama and Pelosi got that all important first step done.  They are leaders, They are winners, and they did what nearly 4 generations of Democrats could not do.  As Alan Colmes said last night, it took an African-American president and a female House Speaker to pass HCR.

Republicans will wish to pay attention to that.

Long overdue new tag, for she has more than earned it:  Nancy Pelosi.


  1. Never thought I would use the Huffington post against you but with everything that's been going on who knows anymore.

    Hmm...looks like you're again a fool for believing that Government would deliver. We'll see that in the years ahead as this further bankrupts our country.

    Also from the looks of it this health care bill may not even get off the ground, if it even makes it past the constitutional challenges that it faces it then has to go up against the states that are already working towards passing legislation against it.


    Looks like Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana all are working towards this. I'm sorry but the Democrats are not listening to what the people want. If they were they would not have passed this. You cannot begin to tell me all of these states are GOP ran.

    Also again the most transparent administration in history had to cut more deals to pass this.

    Amazing the deals that go on to get things done. What does water in California has to do with my Health care...

  2. Oh hey waffles. You're linking to Jane Hamsher. She hates the bill because it's not progressive enough. And if you really, really think that after time and time again the courts will magically side with angry GOP states to defend Heath insurance companies to deny people coverage, well you guys run on siding with the insurance companies in November. You do that.

    Elections have consequences.

  3. It's amazing how people can become united, I don't want the bill (Like most Americans) and Jane believes it doesn't go far enough. Either way we have a single commonality. We detest this bill. Also regardless of the position is the information provided incorrect? It's amazing that you overlooked that to try and make a moot point.

    Also you mention "Time after time.." what judges have given any rulings on this health insurance bill in regards to being constitutional or not? There hasn't been one because until the bill becomes law the judicial system really cannot get involved.

    Also it has shown how ignorant the Democrats are in the House, to trust the Senate to pass a reconciliation bill that they know will be debated about for months because the GOP will hold their feet to the fire every step of the way. Also how many bills has the House sent to the Senate that has been left to sit? Hundreds.

    In the end there is always a silver lining, my state is one of those passing legislation so I won't have much to worry about in the end.

  4. Hey Mr.waffles instead of you and your kind looking in the mirror blabbering about who is the wingnuttiest of them all,read your constitution.Its a clause in there about commerce.I dont think even the right wing nutjibs on the court will overturn it.

  5. The commerce clause? You mean the one that gives the Federal Government the right to regulate commerce between states and other nations?

    Well if you buy Health care within your state how can they regulate it via that clause? Or if you choose not to buy health insurance, therefore not participating in commerce how can the Government regulate you?

    Plus I did also mention the fact that states are passing legislation negating some or all of the regulations imposed.

    I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how water in California can have an effect on my health care..

  6. I will post it for you
    The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes".
    And to futher claify it for you 10th amendment lovers
    The Necessary and Proper Clause (also known as the Elastic Clause, the Basket Clause, the Coefficient Clause, and the Sweeping Clause[1]) is the provision in Article One of the United States Constitution, section 8, clause 18:

    “ The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof

  7. Hence the reason there will be a constitutional showdown, I'm satirically eluding to this, apparently I have just come out with it so the short bus can keep up. Good thing you have health care now


    In the end it's going to be state sovereignty vs. commerce clause. Also, again, those who aren't willing to participate in commerce cannot be regulated. If I don't buy health insurance how can I be regulated? The argument is can the Government FORCE people to buy insurance and therefore FORCE them into participating in DUN DUN DUN COMMERCE.

    I think I'll side with the Constitutional experts (which I've posted throughout my various posts) who have said that they cannot. We'll see though. Hopefully the Supreme court holds no ill feelings towards Obama for berating them at the State of the Union..
