Thursday, March 25, 2010

Own The Darkness

Oliver Willis lays it out. (emphasis mine)
Looking around at the conservative blogosphere’s reaction to threats and actual violence versus Democratic lawmakers that instead of condemning the actions the right is actually excusing it, and in some ways, egging it on.

When the first dead body turns up as a result of tea party terrorism, they’ll own it, completely.

Nobody’s arguing that on the left there was strong protest to Bush’s ill-guided policies that resulted in the deaths of thousands, but there was no support for violence against Republican lawmakers the way there is today from the right. Democrats were not linking arms with anti-government protesters who entertained assassination fascinations with our leaders.

The conservative movement owns tea party terrorism and whatever may come of it.
No doubt the usual suspects will show up to justify the violence, but the fact of the matter at this point this talk equating the exercise of democracy with treason is going to cause blood to flow.  Even the Senate parliamentarian is under threat now.

Not only do most of the wingers I've seen expect violence, they already are working to blame these acts as "false flag" attacks carried out by "the angry left" to start a war.

Delusional to the end.


  1. While I do no advocate violence against any elected official I do have to say...

    No, people on the left never advocated violence.

    You mean to tell me no one from the Democratic party would have been associated with a group that some of those folks were associated with? Really?

    It's amazing how far extremists define the group. The few define the many.

    What's sad is if these were about Obama, with your double standard you would be calling for the GOP to disband and would have a new blog up every 5 minutes with a new image throwing a fit.

    You're a hypocrite.

  2. Waffle you missed the point, I have no recollection of elected democratic party members, or party officials calling for the assassination of president Bush. This is pretty well documented recently coming from powerful republicans, note Sarah Palin's recent rhetoric.

  3. When "those people on the Left" include sitting members of Congress advocating secession and violence towards a Republican President, or giving a pass to those who would do harm to lawmakers and their families for passing a law, then maybe you have a point.

    Both sides have extremists.

    Your side simply calls them "Representative" or "Senator".

    Take your feeble equivalency arguments elsewhere.

  4. So you say they're advocating and excusing, who?

    No quotes, no names, nothing.

  5. Did you miss the part of this blog where Reps. Steve King and Michele Bachmann told a crowd of Teabaggers to "take them out?"

    Did you miss the post on Rep. Paul Broun comparing Obamacare to the Civil War?

    Have you not gotten to today's Krugman?

    "But back to the main theme. What has been really striking has been the eliminationist rhetoric of the G.O.P., coming not from some radical fringe but from the party’s leaders. John Boehner, the House minority leader, declared that the passage of health reform was “Armageddon.” The Republican National Committee put out a fund-raising appeal that included a picture of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, surrounded by flames, while the committee’s chairman declared that it was time to put Ms. Pelosi on “the firing line.” And Sarah Palin put out a map literally putting Democratic lawmakers in the cross hairs of a rifle sight."

    That was just all in the last week, Waffles. Pay attention please, I know we're moving fast here, but do try to keep up.

  6. Well lets take it one at a time.

    Did you miss the part of this blog where Reps. Steve King and Michele Bachmann told a crowd of Teabaggers to "take them out?"

    You neglected to include what Michele Bachman said after King

    "after King had finished talking, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) addressed the crowd and beseeched it to commit “no violence” as it fought for health care repeal. Instead, they needed to focus on the elections, and on holding Democrats accountable.

    Did you miss the post on Rep. Paul Broun comparing Obamacare to the Civil War?"

    While his comment wasn't the best worded it did not advocate violence against Democratic lawmakers, so I think you forgot what point you were trying to prove.

    And lastly

    John Boehner calling something Armageddon is not advocating violence against, in fact Boehner stated

    "threats and violence should not be part of a political debate."

    And this image from Sarah Palin

    1. Has NO pictures of people on it
    2. Sarah is a Fox News correspondent, she's a nobody now that happens to have a mic and a camera. So you've still not proven anything.

    You're buying into the lefts lies that Republicans are advocating violence because they are trying to demonize them. Sorry it's absolutely not true.

    Also I'm sure Eric Cantor put a bullet through his own window. These people may not like each other but they certainly do not want to see each other harmed or worse. If you believe that then you're buying into the conspiracy but then again that would fit this blogs theme.

    I've spent the last week rebutting all of your over the top BS blogs based around conspiracy because it makes things exciting for you. Obviously you lead quite a boring life and this is all exciting but it's fictional. Your co-workers have already established you have a bit of an issue with fiction vs. reality in your own health care costs.

  7. "Obviously you lead quite a boring life..."

    Whoa wait just a second here. Who's the one who's posting comment after comment, day after day, on someone else's blog? Your life must be *so* much more interesting if you take so much care in posting links and talking point rebuttals in the comments sections of someone else's blog (one that actually has an audience).

    A more appropriate user name for you might be "In Ur Blog Ridin Ur Coattails."

  8. But "Mr. Wafflez" sounds so much more neat than "Mr. Coattails" :-D

    Also I only post when I'm at work, I'll be the first to admit I have a very boring job.

    I never post in the evenings or weekends.

    And I was basing that off of his co-worker who I'm sure knows him better than you or I.

  9. Also

    Punch back twice as hard!

    Later on I guess the citizens took them at their word

    Why would White House staff advocate violence like this?

