Friday, March 26, 2010

Preemptive Absolution

Digby has an excellent point:  the Wingers are so absolutely confident that violence is imminent that they are already publicly laying the groundwork for the narrative that the mean ol' Dems had it coming when it does:
I can hardly believe it, but apparently America's wife beaters have actually decided to use the defense that these Democrats are "asking for" death threats from the right wingers because they are "making them mad." I documented Sere and Cantor's warnings this morning, but there are more:

Breitbart: Congressional Black Caucus members went "searching for ... racism" by walking through Tea Party crowd

Graham tells Beck -- Beck! -- Tea Partiers "get mad" because they "don't like being called racist

Michael Graham: Pelosi was "asking for" response by carrying Medicare gavel

Rove warns Dems that discussing threats against them may "inflame emotions"
And on and on.  Blaming the victim isn't new in humanity's annals of, well, inhumanity, but the sheer rapidity at which this narrative is developing should scare the crap out of everyone.  The Wingers believe it's coming.  They are now completely counting on it and scrambling to save themselves.
They know that serious violence is very likely. They are simply inoculating themselves against the charge that it was their inflammatory rhetoric that caused it. It will be the Democrats complaining about their inflammatory rhetoric that made the teabaggers snap. If they'd just stayed quiet and not made daddy mad, he wouldn't have had to hit them.

The only thing these people should be doing is calming down their crazies. Instead they're ginning them up. Heckuva job.
They've lost control of this crazy train, and when it derails and people are hurt or worse, it's going to be nasty.  "You made us do this!" will be the battle cry of 2010.


  1. The left is guilty of what they just accused Dick Cheney of. Wanting something to happen.


    It's sad how pathetic you and these people are. You are frothing at the mouth hoping that someone gets hurt or killed so you can jump up and down and point fingers and make accusations to run peoples names through the mud. All for what? Some political gain because you want your party to stay in power.

    It's one thing to discuss political games and the childish garbage that goes on, its a complete other when you are sitting around hoping someone gets hurt or worse so you can claim you called it and you were right.

    Irregardless of political views you need to step back and take a long look in the mirror and stop adding to the garbage that's out there.

  2. Yeah, Zandar, don't complain about death threats. Just look in the mirror. You wanted Daddy to hit you, didn't you?

  3. Yes, because when we discuss how the leading conservative voices are already trying to find ways to excuse themselves of the violence they've advocated, it means liberals want that violence to happen.

    Project much, Waffles?

  4. Because these guys don't receive threats year round amirite?

    Saying "These threats are wrong and need to stop." is different than "These assholes on the right wants to keel everyone who supported it! I hope someone gets hurt so I can further prove my point!!"

  5. Also people in the media and the congressmen themselves would never exaggerate in their claims.
