Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Unleash Joe Biden, Big F'ckin Deal Edition

Health care bill signing?  UNLEASH JOE BIDEN! *bangs Joe Biden Unleashing Gong*
Beyond the ebullient atmosphere, shout-outs and cheers at the White House signing ceremony of the health care bill, there’s another moment that is being rewound and played again and again: Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s overheard, overly effusive aside to President Obama.

At the end of his introduction of the president, Mr. Biden, who is known for ad-libbing to the point of getting him in a little trouble, turned to Mr. Obama, embraced him and elaborated on the historic nature of the day.

“Mr. President, this is a big … deal,” he said, adding an adjective between the big and the deal that begins with “f.” 
I love this man.  I really do.

Obama doesn't even flinch, either.  He's stone cold.  I love it.


  1. It's so nice to have a human vice president, for a change.

  2. And Biden used it as an adjective, not a verb, like Darth Cheney.

  3. It's funny, but also it's not shocking. This guy is known for doing and saying stupid things quite frequently...

    At least people got some enjoyment out of the whole bill signing. Watching Biden put his foot in his mouth again.
