Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What BooMan Said

In absolute agreement with BooMan this morning on what the SCOTUS case on Chicago's gun control laws will mean.
I think the Second Amendment is an anachronism, but the proper way to deal with an anachronism is to amend the Constitution, not ignore it. But, the Second Amendment is a federal right. It says that Congress can't restrict your right to bear arms. It doesn't say squat about the state or local governments. That distinction is about to change. Conservatives on the Supreme Court are going to strike down nearly every local or state gun control law in the country. This is the price of letting Bush get reelected. I dropped everything in my life and worked my heart out (for ACORN) to prevent Bush from being reelected. This is why.
And he's right.  We've seen this same court eliminate campaign finance reform as unconstitutional.  They will now do the same with gun control laws.   Local and state gun control laws will be invalidated nationwide.  Alito and Roberts will continue to cause lasting damage to decades, in some cases over a century, of American jurisprudence and accepted law.

They will continue to do so for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. It may be bad for the country but the decision is constitutionally based.
