Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You Say You Want A Revolution

Well, at least Michele Bachmann isn't alone in her advocacy as a sitting member of Congress calling for a revolution against the government she represents.  Iowa's Steve King also wants America to take to the streets to protest the horrors of...a majority rule in a representative democracy! (scary organ music, lightning)
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) urged a smaller-than-expected crowd of Tea Party protesters on Tuesday to launch a Velvet Revolution-style uprising against the federal government, saying the parallels are striking between America's current government and Eastern European communist rule.

Speaking to the Huffington Post shortly after his speech, King declared that a peaceful uprising, a la the successful overthrowing of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on the streets of Prague in 1989 "would be fine with me."

"Fill this city up, fill this city, jam this place full so that they can't get in, they can't get out and they will have to capitulate to the will of the American people," he said.

"So this is just like Prague under communist rule?" the Huffington Post asked.

"Oh yeah, it is very, very close," King replied. "It is the nationalization of our liberty and the federal government taking our liberty over. So there are a lot of similarities there."

Earlier, King implored the crowd to bring the nation's capital to a sort of paralysis. Warning, erroneously, that the health care bill would fund abortion and fund care for 6.1 million illegal immigrants, he demanded that concerned citizens "continue to rise up."

"I look back 20 years ago in the square in Prague... when tens of thousands showed up there and they shook their keys peacefully and they took over their country and they achieved their freedom back again," he said. "If you can keep coming to this city, fill up the congressional offices across the country but jam this city. If you can get on your cell phones, and get on your Blackberries and your email, and ask people to keep coming to this town. Storm this city, fill up Washington D.C., jam this capital so they can't move. And if tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of you show up, we will win. We will defeat this bill and you will have your liberty back." 
Because expanding health care coverage and working to lower costs is completely and exactly like Communist single-party rule.  After all, we've been under the yoke of Communism for 45 years now, just like the Czechs, and it's absolutely fair for the losing side in a democratic election to claim their liberty is being destroyed because their side lost the elections and then impose their minority will on the majority side's winners just because they don't like the legislation that the minority side's leaders are openly lying about in order to drum up dissent.

Democrats lose a democratic election, they organize and win the next election.  Republicans lose a democratic election, the Democrats must be illegitimate tyrants and the government must be thrown down and destroyed, because God doesn't allow Republicans to lose.  Viva La Revolucion!

Again, I ask when King and Bachmann will be resigning their government positions, along with the rest of the GOP, in order to protest this illegitimate government they so clearly despise and want to see put to the torch by the American people.

Start your New Velvet Revolution there, folks.

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