Thursday, April 1, 2010

Guest Starring Yours Truly

Helping filling in for Steve M. for the rest of this week over at No More Mister Nice Blog.  Steve's been around for a long time, so it's somewhat (OK, incredibly) humbling to be asked to post over there.  If you're not reading NMMNB, you need to be:  Steve and aimai are some of the best out there and there's a reason I link them fairly often.

Much love, jah.


  1. Couldn't happen to a better blogger.

  2. Yay more of a reason to NOT DO YOUR JOB ...

  3. Oh boy, the sour grapes dude is back here.

    Ah well, congrats, Zandar! I'll be watching you there too, ehehehe.

    I swear I'm not stalking you or anything,
