Monday, April 19, 2010

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

DougJ at Balloon Juice asks:
By chance, since I started reading a lot of conservative blogs (in place of Politico), I had been thinking there were three spheres of intellectual conservatism. These are philosophical rather than structural divisions. First off, we have to exclude “legacy conservatives”—people who are identify as conservative simply because of the way they were brought up (e.g. Chris Buckley) or because they think their school-day intellectual predilections make them life-long conservatives (e.g. Andrew Sullivan). Once we’ve excluded these crypto-liberals, we’re left with three basic divisions:

  1. “Atlas Shrugged” conservatives: Megan McArdle, the Reasonoids, Larry Kudlow, etc.
  2. “Chronicles Of Narnia” conservatives: Ross Douthat, Peggy Noonan, many other Catholic conservatives.
  3. “300” conservatives: Victor David Hanson, war bloggers, any neoconservatives.
There’s lots of overlap, especially among the “Atlas Shrugged” and “300” crowds: Glenn Reynolds, Pam Geller, etc.

Is this about right?
Well, let's see:  that boils down to the StupidiTags of:  Economic Stupidity, Social Stupidity, and Military Stupidity.

Yep, that pretty much sums up your wingers.


  1. You know, it took me a few minutes to figure out "Narnia". "300" and "Atlas Shrugged" is easy to get. "Narnia" just confused me.

    I really should read those books sometime.

  2. Aslan the Lion = Jesus, pretty much.

  3. Yeah, I know about Aslan being a Jesus Expy, but it took me a few minutes to put together "Narnia" and "Social conservative".
