Friday, April 16, 2010

Last Call

There's a reason why taking some conservatives seriously is a silly idea.  The show "Glee" dared to make a Sarah Palin joke.  This immediately set off Breitbart and his purity crusaders to attack the show.  John Nolte at Big Hollywood goes insane:
"Glee" is millions of dollars of sound and fury aimed squarely at your children. And as we can now see, the creators are all about getting between you and your kids with their political and social agendas. They know Palin is a growing political force and nothing's off the table when it comes to marginalizing her -- even at the expense of their own show's entertainment value -- even at the expense of audience share.
Yes, because until the second the show made a Sarah Palin joke, it was just a TV show.  Since it made a Sarah Palin joke, it's now another horrible example of media brainwashing people.

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh can say whatever he wants about Democrats on his entertainment show on a daily basis, and that's free speech.  Limbaugh however would never try to marginalize the President and of course he would never, ever stoop to a level that could be described as "nothing is off the table."

These guys are such incredible assholes.

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