Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Priced In

Dow's gone up 3,000 points or so since Obama took office.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Obama, it's just the market pricing in a GOP landslide in 2010.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was dissolving Parliament and set a May 6 date for national elections. How does this news translate for the U.S.? Jeffrey Saut, chief investment strategist at Raymond James, shared his views.

“The upcoming mid-term elections in November is going to be an agenda changer if the liberals continue to focus on cap-and-trade and other programs," Saut told CNBC.

"This can put a headwind in the face of the market." 

Saut said programs such as cap-and-trade are job-killing initiatives. 

“If you get a conservative backlash, you can get an extension of the rally,” he said. 
Yep, the last 15 months in the stock market?  Nothing but the market prescience predicting Republican rule forever and ever starting in November.  Obama's economic legislation?  What did that have to do with anything?  Gosh.

It's not like he's President or anything.  Didn't you know we're a center-right country even when 59% of Congress is Democratic?

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