Friday, April 9, 2010

Zandar Versus The Stupak

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak is hanging it up.
CNN and other news outlets are reporting that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), who lead a group of pro-life Democrats in demanding certain abortion restrictions surrounding the health care reform bill, will announce today that he is retiring from the House.

Stupak secured a deal from the White House for President Obama to sign an executive order reaffirming that the health care reform law would not include federal funding for abortion. Stupak had threatened to veto the bill, along with what he said were a dozen of his colleagues.

He has drawn the ire of pro-choice Democrats and anti-health care conservatives for his role in the debate. One Tea Party group lead by Republican operatives, the Tea Party Express, had planned a rally against him this weekend. 
If there's anyone who personified the old adage "When you walk down the middle of the road you're eventually going to get run over"  it's Stupak.  His Stupak amendment maneuver only antagonized the Democratic base, and his eventual relenting on the final HCR vote only earned him the enmity of the entire Republican base as well.  He tried to be the face of the Blue Dogs, and instead became the poster boy for political hypocrisy.

Can't say I'm sorry to see him go.  Not sure who will run on the Dem side for his seat, but if Stupak's got designs on running for Governor of Michigan, I don't think he's going to do very well there either.

Bye bye, Bart.

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