Monday, May 17, 2010

Cut Out From Under You

Looks like embattled and outgoing NY Gov. David Paterson has a parting shot for Noo Yawkers on the way out the door.  He's not going to be the only state employee out of a job.
Gov. Paterson has put massive state employee layoffs "on the radar screen" after being told the no-layoff pledge he signed with public employee unions last year is not legally binding, The Post has learned.

The administration has estimated that up to 10,000 job cuts would be needed to reach the governor's target, an official said.

Paterson's new tack follows a federal court ruling last week that temporarily blocked his $30 million-a-week plan to put 100,000 workers on furlough.

Now, he's weighing pink slips if the furlough offensive fails in subsequent court hearings.

"Layoffs are on the radar screen," said a source.

A legislative source told The Post that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is "warming to layoffs" because the unions appear "inflexible toward any other workforce savings." 
Cutting jobs in a recession, gosh, that'll help the state save money.  They can just pay people unemployment money instead.  You know.  From the state.  If you've gotta go, take out people with you, I guess.


  1. Maybe those people will get jobs in the private sector..

  2. Sure, why not? While we're at it, I'd like to announce that I shit gold.

  3. Cause Government isn't on the brink as it is, just print more money

    fucking tool..
