Friday, May 7, 2010

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

BooMan catches a National Review interview with GOP Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina...
“It’s important that Republicans talk about the importance of addressing illegal immigration,” DeMint tells [National Review Online]. “This is a long-term problem that impacts our economy and the heritage of our country. At the same time, [Republicans] need to be clear about the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants — heralding the importance of addressing the latter.”

The White House and Hill Democrats “don’t want a solution here,” DeMint laments. “They want continued trouble so we can be cast as demagogues — so they can say Republicans are against immigrants. Let’s realize that these big demonstrations against Arizona’s law are union organized and focus on the addressing how to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. It’s about our survival and safety as a nation.”
...and asks:
Is it a dog whistle if humans can hear it too? 
It's not a dog whistle if you use a bullhorn.

Whenever a sitting United States Senator says that illegal immigrants are a threat to the "heritage of our country" what he means is "I'm white and people darker than me scare the crap out of me."  Nice of him to finally admit openly that he's a racist asshole, using the same argument the Klan has used for a good century plus.  Immigrants as a threat to heritage in a country comprised of immigrants who took over by force and imported slaves?  That's some funny stuff right there.

News flash:  Republicans are increasingly becoming the party of Pale Riders.


  1. Zandar answer my burning question

    Why do you still worship and the altar of the government?

    They have done what successfully?

    Military? Nope. They are kicking people with PTSD to the curb after 3 months even though their own studies shows it can effect someone years later.

    Medicare? Bankrupt.

    Social Security? Bankrupt.

    Medicaid? Bankrupt.

    Oil Spil & NOAA? Pre-approved plan they didn't even follow through. They didn't even follow their on their own policies to have Fire Boom's in place and had to call other countries to ask.

    Afghanistan? Took Obama how long to get an answer because he was more worried about pissing off his fan base than doing the right thing.

    Iraq? We're still there...

    Healthcare? Passed it despite the overwhelming opposition shown by the American people

    Economy? Thanks a lot Bill for the "American Dream"

    Yet despite all of this you just keep coming back for more. You're like a dog, kick you and you keep coming back. You're either receiving Government aid or want it. I guess you see other countries where people have outlandish benefits that are unsustainable and don't understand why you're government, the best in the world cant provide that for you. Keep a close eye on Greece.

  2. Not saying you're wrong on any of those accounts. But you know what?

    The free market hasn't exactly solved any of those problems either.
