Monday, May 24, 2010

Moose Lady Thinks You're A Moron

Because she believes you'll never remember her campaign slogan in 2008 was "Drill baby drill".
With the PR disaster surrounding British Petroleum reaching near cataclysmic proportions, Palin must have sensed it politically opportune to attack that which has so bolstered her own career, which is exactly what she did during a Sunday television appearance.

Speaking during a Fox News segment, Palin suggested campaign contributions may explain why Obama was "taking so doggone long to get in there, to dive in there and grasp the complexity and the potential tragedy that we are seeing here in the Gulf of Mexico."

"I don't know why the question isn't asked by the mainstream media and by others if there's any connection with the contributions made to president Obama and his administration and the support by the oil companies to the administration," she added.

"We were there immediately," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs clarified, speaking to reporters the same day.
To recap, Sarah Palin, the former half-term Governor of Alaska, is attacking Obama on his ties to oil companies.  This is a woman who ran the most pork-laden state in the country, a state that literally gives out paychecks to Alaska residents based on oil revenues for the state every year, a woman who demanded we drill in the national wildlife refuge in her own state, a woman who bragged about a deal for a huge gas pipeline being built in her state, is attacking Obama on his ties to an energy company.

This is pretty much like Darth Vader complaining that Luke Skywalker has anger issues.

And yes, Sarah Palin thinks you're a complete and utter idiot.  She believes you will ignore all this and say "Obama's in BP's pocket!"  She is literally the least qualified person in national politics to make that claim.

1 comment:

  1. Moose Lady Thinks You're A Moron

    Which means she's savvier and more perceptive than we think.
