Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oil's Well That Doesn't End Well For This Oil Well, Part 13

BP says it may be able to stop the massive underwater oil geyser by pumping mud into the blown wellhead later this week, but if that doesn't work, it will take until August to drill the relief well into the oil field and shut it down.  That could mean another three months of oil spewing into the Gulf at several millions of gallons of oil per day if the worst case estimates are true.

Perhaps stronger and more immediate measures are needed...

Of course blowing up the well would end the crisis, but it would put the oil off limits to BP for good, and gosh, they're not going to do that, you see.

To his credit, Tweety went nuts on BP yesterday, calling for Obama to nationalize offshore drilling and calling BP's negligence and cost-cutting a criminal act.

Maybe there's merit to both of these discussions.


  1. I WARNED YOU. Now it's time for action. End of the month, asshole. Shut it down for good or you're going to have a LOT OF FREE TIME to write your fucking blog come June.


  2. No, I'm afraid I'm rather dense. Please come and explain it to me. In person.


    Clock is ticking...

  4. Holy dickswinging douchebag, Batman!

    You know, I had a reply in my head, one that would have commented on how pathetic this dude is to try to get off on shutting a small blog down... but really, this guy speaks for himself.

    Yanno, if I ever got to the point where I tried to threaten people's livelyhoods to get my rocks off, I'd kill myself. Not sayin' that this dude should, but yanno. At this point it'd sound like a pretty good option.

  5. I really don't have the heart to tell the guy if he's threatening me, go ahead and pull the trigger, I don't really want to work in a place where this goes on, and if he's trying to extort me, it's not like A) I make money or B) I care enough, so they're doing THAT wrong too.

    I need better trolls.

  6. Uhm... extorting what? The right to swing his dick about so he can feel like he's got a footlong? Pull down his pants and look away from the mirror.

    But now I kinda feel sorry for you, as the posts insinuate you know this dumbshit in person.

  7. Oh, NO! This must be one Breitblart's minions! Zandar, you, as a member of the institutional left, are in grave danger! FLEEEEEE!

    LOL, now I miss Waffles.
