Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Paranoid (Joisey) Style

Gotta love New Jersey Teabaggers.  In the paranoid, know-nothing world they inhabit, politicians are king, and schoolteachers are the enemy.  Exhibit A, Gov. Chris Christie.
Governor Christie on Tuesday told a borough teacher to find another job if she did not feel she was compensated enough as he defended his state budget cuts and promoted a plan to cap annual growth in property tax collections.

He also told an 89-year-old former mayor she'd have to wait until next spring for a rebate she'd been getting for more than a decade in the late summer. And he told a parent that cuts to services, including the local library, are needed because "we are out of money."

A largely friendly crowd of about 150 people turned out in a church gymnasium to hear Christie deliver a half-hour talk that trashed greedy public employee unions and state laws that handcuff local officials trying to control spending.

He then opened the floor to questions. A few were softballs, including the declaration by Clara Nebot of Bergenfield that Christie is "a god" to her relatives in Florida.

But borough teacher Rita Wilson, a Kearny resident, argued that if she were paid $3 an hour for the 30 children in her class, she’d be earning $83,000, and she makes nothing near that.

"You’re getting more than that if you include the cost of your benefits," Christie interrupted.

When Wilson, who has a master’s degree, said she was not being compensated for her education and experience, Christie said:

"Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it." Some in the audience applauded.

Christie said he would not have had to impose cuts to education if the teachers union had agreed to his call for a one-year salary freeze and a 1.5 percent increase in employee benefit contributions.

"Your union said that is the greatest assault on public education in the history of the state," Christie said. "That’s why the union has no credibility, stupid statements like that."
Politicians are "gods".  Teachers who educate millions of students in New Jersey meanwhile are an "assault on public education".   You know, I vaguely recall an America where teachers were actually considered useful and beneficial members of society, certainly far more than politicians.  But not if you're a Teabagger.  The teacher might actually tell you something that you might not want to hear, like "facts" or "knowledge".  Since both are anathema to your average Teabagger, teachers are now the Enemy.

And that goes straight to the larger picture of how these guys operate.  Critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving?  That's for egghead elitists.  Real Americans catapult the propaganda and are never wrong because by God, they believe they are right.  So naturally anyone who might instill those dreaded "thinking" skills in the minds of America's youth have to be attacked.

We live in a country where millions of Americans think teachers are bigger scumbags than say, the Governor of New Jersey.  No wonder our children is not learning.

1 comment:

  1. Christie said he would not have had to impose cuts to education if the teachers union had agreed to his call for a one-year salary freeze and a 1.5 percent increase in employee benefit contributions."

    Why wouldn't they agree to have their pay froze for a year? Same thing is happening in many cities across the nation. Police/Fire are being cut or having to take unpaid days off, pay freezes or all of the above. No one is exempt from this economic situation we are in and why these teachers think they are unique and pretty snowflakes is beyond me. This isn't an attack on the education system, this is an attempt to fix a broken, unsustainable system. To use a phrase from Obama the "status quo" is not sustainable.

    What would a real company do if they were in financial trouble? They would make sacrifices now to stay afloat. Just because its the Government doesn't mean you're exempt from hard times. Sure it sucks but unfortunately it's life, things happen. I've worked for companies in the past where my pay was frozen and yes it sucked but I understood why they did it. I would rather HAVE the job, then get the raise and have the company go under and have to find a new job.

    Also when elected people knew that Christie would have to make tough decisions to get the budget in alignment. He's going to catch flak from those who are in the same mindset as the Government workers in Greece, they don't want the system to change.

    Again on average public workers are paid more
