Monday, May 3, 2010

Things Can Change In A New York Minute, Part 3

More evidence is coming to light about the failed Saturday night Times Square car bomb attempt.  Via Steven D, we learn a couple of important facts, first the FBI paid a visit to a Connecticut junkyard where they tracked the stolen license plate used on the vehicle.
Junkyard owner Wayne LeBlanc didn't catch the news on Saturday night because he was busy watching "Old Yeller" with his grandkids.

So he was shocked when FBI agents with flashlights knocked on his door at 3 a.m. to tell him that the license plate on a vehicle filled with explosives parked in Times Square came from a truck in his junkyard.

"I was sleeping, who wouldn't be? They said it was an urgent matter," LeBlanc said from his Norwalk, Conn., home. "I watch 'NCIS,' but I'm not used to door knocks on my own house."

The 56-year-old grandfather of nine owns Kramer's Used Auto Parts in nearby Stratford, Conn., where law enforcement officials tracked a stolen plate from the bomb-rigged Nissan Pathfinder SUV.
And police are searching for what appears to be a Caucasian balding man in his 40's who ducked into an alley near the SUV, took off his shirt revealing another shirt underneath, and looked back at the SUV.

If this is the Taliban, and they have middle-aged white guys delivering car bombs to Times Square, then we're in trouble.  Of course, this could be a domestic terror job as well.  It's still unclear who the target was.  The Wingers decrying this as an act of Islamist Jihad say the only possible target was the Viacom building, Viacom being the parent company of Comedy Central and South Park (the whole Muhammad in a bear suit gag did not go over well).

Course, it could have just been parked there, too.  It's park where you can on a spring Saturday in Times Square.  Here's the important part.  With the video of this gentleman making the rounds, the wingers are basically saying that the NYPD is covering up an Obvious Act Of Terror By The Great Beturbaned Horde in order to make it look like some middle-aged mook who tried to kill people by rigging a device that would have basically been an order of magnitude more deadly if he had started by writing the word "BOMB" on a piece of cardboard and attaching it to a load of junk parts.

Still too early to come to conclusions.  But it's never the time to assume the NYPD is lying about this, guys.  That's your winger response:  can't possibly be a white guy, they never commit acts of terror.  Ever.

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